School Procedures
Overview of Pasadena.
School Hours
School Starts: 8.45am (Monday – Thursday) and 9am (Friday)
Interval: 10:05am – 10:25am (Please note that school starts at 9.00am on a Friday)
Lunch: 11:35am – 11:55am
Recreation: 1:05pm – 1:45pm
Students are asked not to arrive before 8:00am and unless involved in an official school activity with a teacher, are asked to leave the grounds by 3:20pm.
We do not observe a shortened day and early closure because of poor weather. Our Wet Weather Recreation Programme provides a variety of extracurricular activities that see our students fully occupied.
School closes at 2:00pm on the last day of term and 1:00pm on the last day of the year.
Off-Site School Activities
Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) events provide students with access to hands-on experiences that are not available inside the classroom. They offer unique and stimulating learning opportunities that support your child’s learning and achievement.
There are many occasions when students will leave the school campus for EOTC, some of these will be in the local area while others are further afield e.g. trips, sports tournaments, concerts, festivals, exhibitions, productions, competitions, school exchanges, arts performances, visits, community activities etc.
Parents/Caregivers will be informed in advance and in writing of the impending outing beyond the local area, including the details and any cost that may be involved. Parents/Caregivers will be asked to sign and return to school a Consent Form. Permission for trips in the local area is provided through our enrolment form.
There is an expectation that students will take responsibility for their own learning and for their safety and that of others.
Students may not leave the school grounds for an activity without the signed consent of a parent/caregiver.
To read more about EOTC, please click here.
The value of regular attendance cannot be overstressed. All students are expected to be conscientious about punctuality and attendance. We expect all students to arrive on time to begin learning at 8:45am.
In the event of absence from school, parents/caregivers are asked to telephone or email the school and to provide a reason for the absence.
Library Books
All library books are able to be borrowed free of charge. However, parents/caregivers will be required to make a contribution towards lost and/or damaged books.
Applying For Leave For Students
Valuables, Money and Clothing
There is always the possibility that items of property will be lost or go missing. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that parents/caregivers can assist the school by clearly labelling all items of clothing and equipment so that it may be returned to their child.
When an item of clothing is lost, students should check in the lost property in the sick bay. If the item is labelled it will be returned to the child. Parents/caregivers are also welcome to check.
Large sums of money or articles of substantial value, must not be brought to school. When necessary, teachers will hold money for safe keeping on the understanding that all due care is given, but no responsibility is accepted.
Sun Safe
The dangers of over exposure to the sun and of the significant increase in the occurrence of skin cancers in New Zealand are well documented.
The school has adopted a seven stage strategy to provide sun protection for students and staff.
- Compulsory school hats
- Shade umbrellas
- Sunblock
- Nature shade canopies
- Shade canopy and verandahs
The ‘baseball style’ school cap and ‘bucket style’ school hat, have been designed with student input and are part of the official school uniform.
School hats are essential for outdoor activities during Terms 1 and 4.
Individual, family and class photos are taken early in Term 1.
Photographs are taken by a private company, on a ‘no obligation to purchase’ basis.
Orders are made directly through PhotoLife, and the school is unable to provide reprints in the future.
Illness Accident Injury
Parents/caregivers are asked to note major health problems, allergies, medication and physical difficulties on the Enrolment Form. A list of students with special needs, their condition and necessary medication is held electronically and is available to staff at all times.
Contact, emergency contact and doctor telephone numbers are also noted on the Enrolment Form. Should any details change, parents/caregivers are asked to inform the school immediately.
In the event of illness, accident or injury, the following procedures will be followed:
- Students unwell or injured are taken to a Medical Room
- Minor injuries or conditions are treated by the teacher/Administration Staff.
- If necessary students rest/recuperate in a medical room
- Parents/Caregivers are contacted and arrangements are made for their child to be collected from school
- If the parent/caregiver cannot be contacted the student will remain in the Medical Room
- In the case of a serious accident or injury, the attending staff member will make the patient comfortable and render first aid
- The student will be taken to Ponsonby A & E Clinic, St Lukes A& E Clinic or an ambulance will be requested
- Parents/Caregivers will be contacted at the earliest opportunity
- Unwell or injured students will not be sent home without parent/caregiver permission
- If the student is in a very distressed condition and parents/caregivers cannot be contacted, the family doctor will be consulted
- Students will not be permitted to give themselves first aid treatment or medications unless specific written permission has been received from parents/caregivers
Parents/Caregivers are asked not to send children who are unwell to school.
Medicine Authority Form
If your child requires medicine to be administered at school, please complete this form.
Stationery Supplies
- All basic stationery items can be purchased from the school
- Stationery may be purchased from the School Office
- Prices are published with the Stationery Order Form and in the Student Information Book
- Prices are correct at time of printing and are inclusive of GST
Student Leadership
Each year there are a variety of opportunities for Student Leaders, including Strategic Leadership Groups, Office Monitors, AV Technicians, and Librarians.
Student Strategic Leaders are selected following a written application and small group interval. These groups meet regularly to discuss school activities and matters and proposals raised by the student body.
Strategic Leaders are responsible for running school events, such as socials, coordinating fundraising, and taking action in the local community and school.
Access To School
Pasadena Intermediate has only one vehicle access – off Moray Place via Pasadena Avenue
At peak times there is often considerable congestion and we would request parents/caregivers exercise extreme caution when delivering and collecting children. Pedestrian access to the school is via two bridges from Motions Road and a walkway from Premier Avenue.
Pasadena Intermediate is on the TravelWise programme and encourages students use active and sustainable modes of transport to get to/from school eg walking, cycling, public transport.
Pasadena Intermediate School is extremely well served by public transport, and the use of buses has become a common means of school transport.
For further information on buses between your home and Pasadena Intermediate School, please refer to the AT Journey Planner.
Information and Communications Technologies and the Internet are important resources for students’ learning.
The school will do its best to restrict student access to offensive, dangerous or illegal material on the Internet or other communication technologies, through its robust filtering software, however it is also the responsibility of students to have no involvement in such material or activities. This applies to all digital communication technologies children bring into the school environment, such as personal digital devices (including but not restricted to laptops, smartphones, tablets), mobile phones, hard drives or memory/USB sticks.
As responsible members of the Pasadena Intermediate School community, all students are expected to follow the agreed guidelines. These guidelines are detailed in the ‘Pasadena Intermediate School Acceptable Use For Information and Communications Technologies Agreement’ that each student and their parents are required to sign as part of the enrolment procedures, and before students may access Information and Communications Technologies resources available to the school.
While school will help students keep personal devices secure, students will have the final responsibility for securing their personal device(s). Please check with your homeowner’s policy regarding coverage of personal electronic devices, as many insurance policies can cover loss or damage. (Pasadena Insurance does not cover students’ personal device).
Please read the Student and Parent Agreement below.
Pasadena Intermediate School Student User Agreement Overview
Digital technologies are tools that can help us learn at school in all sorts of ways. Some of these ways include looking at interesting things online, talking to people, creating music and media, gathering new ideas, and learning how to use tools.
When we use digital technologies and online spaces it’s important that we learn ways to keep ourselves safe, and that we make positive choices in ways we behave when we are online. At Pasadena Intermediate we call this being a ‘digital citizen’ and good digital citizens help to make our school a safe and positive place for everyone.
This agreement shares what Pasadena Intermediate does to help make learning online safe, and what we need to do. We know it is not always easy to understand everything about online spaces. It can be complicated at times, and somethings things can go wrong. This is why it’s important that we commit to making it as safe as possible to use digital tools and online spaces for learning.
Pasadena Intermediate supports you by helping you learn in the best ways we can, and keeping you safe at school whether you are online or offline.
We will do this by:
- making everybody aware of their responsibilities
- planning times in the terms to learn about positive online behaviours and ways to keep safe
- overseeing students’ use of school’s digital devices and online spaces
- offering access to the internet and online platforms
- using filtering software to protect everybody
- helping students who need support to deal with online problems even if these happen outside of school hours
- keeping safe the personal information the school collects about you
- protecting your rights to a safe and positive online environment
- providing opportunities to use digital technologies in the learning at school
- having a plan to help you when something serious or illegal happens that involves digital technology or online spaces. This might include getting in touch with the Police or Netsafe.
As a student of Pasadena Intermediate and also part of our community, we ask you to help make our school a place that is safe, friendly, and fair. This means taking our school values and acting on these whether you’re online, or offline, and help to make our school a positive place to learn, connect and play. This is being a ‘digital citizen’.
As a digital citizen, you will:
- Keep it kind. Think about others online and talk or share in respectful ways.
- Keep it to yourself. Keep passwords and information about yourself and other people private and offline as it can be easily shared, viewed, screenshot, or changed by others to mean different things. Nothing is private online.
- Keep it careful. Because things you do or say online can be seen by others, be careful to share the things you can feel proud of, or would be happy sharing with someone face to face.
- Keep it positive. Always respect others online and communicate in a positive, respectful way.
- Post with caution. Anything you post or do online can influence what people think of you. Put your best foot forward online.
- Don’t believe everything you see. Always think carefully about the information you see online – not everything is true. If you are unsure of something talk to a teacher.
- Avoid online bullying. Creating or forwarding content that is harmful or hurtful towards someone else is not okay at any time. Sending multiple messages to somebody who doesn’t want them is also considered online bullying and is never okay.
- Be security smart. Keep personal information secure by using strong passwords and not sharing them with other students. Always log out of a site, or device. Get permission before downloading software to the school network or connecting new devices.
- Respect others’ rights. Always ask first if you need to use someone else’s device, online sites, and their image, ideas, creations or work that’s stored online.
- Recognise other’s work. When we use or take others’ work or ideas from the internet, we need to make sure we copy or use these in ways that are okay because there are rules about this. Your teacher will help you to use things you find online in the right ways.
- Use personal devices sensibly. Keep your device(s) on silent during school hours and only use it outside of class time unless you have been given permission to use it during lessons.
- Seek help. Sometimes you or someone you know will feel unsafe or come across bad or hurtful content online. If this happens talk to a trusted adult about what can be done.
This section outlines how students can seek support and assistance if they encounter any online concerns
Despite the good things technology offers and people’s best intentions, sometimes things will go wrong. Sometimes these things are on purpose, and sometimes they are accidents. Pasadena Intermediate will support you if something goes wrong online.
Online bullying. Online bullying is not accepted at our school. If you or somebody else is being bullied or criticised online, report it. Keep the content so we can investigate it. Stop any further contact with the person who is bullying. You can report to your teacher for help. It’s important to think about sharing what’s happened with a trusted adult like a parent, a member of your whānau, or someone else who looks after you.
Report a problem. We need your help to keep our school safe. If you see something on the school systems that you don’t think should be there, we need you to report it as soon as you can to your teacher. This is really helpful and important, so that the school can find out what the problem is and fix it as soon as possible, and help those who might need it.
Online safety support. Netsafe is our New Zealand online safety organisation that is able to help when things go wrong online, when we have problems with content or negative things that others are doing online. They provide free, private advice for you and your family seven days a week for all online safety challenges. They can be contacted on 0508 638723 or online at
I know that if I behave in ways that are not safe online, or kind or responsible, that this is not okay at Pasadena Intermediate. There may be some actions that my school might have to take, such as not being able to use the school device or a device I have brought from home.
I understand and agree to use digital technology and the internet at school safely and for learning, whether it is on a school device or one I have brought from home.
By clicking yes on the enrolment form I agree to the above terms and have discussed this with my child.
I know that if my child makes choices or behaves in ways that don’t align with this Student User Agreement there may be consequences or outcomes that the school will talk about with me.
By clicking yes on the enrolment form I agree to the above terms.
To the parent/caregiver/legal guardian, please:
- Read this page carefully with your child to check you both understand your responsibilities under this agreement.
- By ticking yes on the enrolment form I agree with the below conditions and have discussed these with my child
School Responsibilities
At our school, we will:
- encourage safe and effective use of technology and the internet
- work within the school’s digital technology guidelines
- provide clear guidelines around the use of devices brought from home
- provide safe storage for students’ devices when not in use, e.g. break times.
If a student breaches the BYOD agreement, they may lose the privilege of bringing their own device to school, and the school’s behaviour management plan may be invoked.
Student Responsibilities
When I bring my device to school I will:
- follow the school’s digital technology rules
- use my device when and where the teacher gives me permission
- only access the internet with the teacher’s permission and if an adult is present
- only use my own login and password
- be in control of my device and not share it with other students, apart from letting them see the screen
- charge my device at home so that it doesn’t need charging at school
- take care of my device so that it isn’t damaged or stolen.
I will not use my device to be mean, rude, or offensive to anyone.
Parent Responsibilities
I give permission for my child to bring their device to school and I will:
- encourage them to use it responsibly
- take an interest in how they are using the device
- be aware of the content and applications on the device
- be responsible for the device’s maintenance and insurance
- keep a record of the device’s serial number and details
- contact the school if I have any concerns about cybersafety or other related issues.
Note: This agreement for your child will remain in force as long as he/she is enrolled at this school. If it becomes necessary to add/amend any information or rule, parents will be advised in writing.