School Zone
Pasadena Intermediate School Enrolment Scheme
School Zone
Pasadena Intermediate School Enrolment Scheme
The guidelines for development and operation of enrolment schemes are issued under section 11G (3) of the Education Act 1989 for the purpose of describing the basis on which the Secretary’s powers in relation to enrolment schemes will be exercised.
Please go to to check the zone or see the information below.
Home Zone
All students who live within the home zone described below and/or shown on the attached map shall be entitled to enrol at the school.
Starting at the intersection of Fontenoy Street and Carrington Road (even addresses 2- 98 only included) travel east along Fontenoy Street (even addresses 2-44 only included, Parkdale Road addresses 43-47 and 38-46 only included) and continue south east along Margaret Avenue (57-23 odd addresses only included) to Martin Avenue (even addresses 22-72 and odd addresses 53- 75 only included). Travel north east along Martin Avenue to Rossgrove Terrace (addresses 19,21,23 only included) and then south east along Rossgrove Terrace to Linwood Avenue (2-82, even addresses only included, Challinor Crescent included). Continue north then east along Linwood Avenue to St Lukes Road (excluded). Travel south along St Lukes Road (Asquith Avenue excluded) to the railway line. Follow the railway line (Selkirk Road excluded, New North Road addresses 65-685 and 310-658 included, 1 Morningside Drive included, 35 & 41 George Street included) east to where it intersects with Dominion Road. Continue to travel north from Dominion Road (excluded) to New North Road. Travel east along New North Road (Porters Avenue, Ngahuria Street & Ruru Street excluded) to Exmouth Street (2-24 excluded). Travel north east along Exmouth Street (Basque Road included) to Newton Road. Follow Newton Road (addresses 1-135 & 2-118 only included) west to upper Queen Street (addresses 53-73 only included) and continue along Queen Street (addresses 15-57 and 22-52 Randolph Street and addresses 9-33, 12-36 Karaka Street only included) until the Southern Motorway (SH1). Follow the Southern Motorway (SH1) west to Karangahape Road (addresses 432-586 only included). Travel west along Karangahape Road (Howe Street, Hereford Street excluded). Travel north west along Ponsonby Road (addresses 2-86 only included, Hopetoun Street excluded) to Williamson Avenue (addresses 2-158 and 97-143 only included). Continue south west along Williamson Avenue (Polen Street addresses 2-44 and 1-29, Mackelvie Street addresses 4-44 and 5-39, Scanlan Street addresses 1-39 and 4-44, Sussex Street addresses 2-42 and 3-45 included. Leighton Street, Millais Street, Grosvenor Street excluded) to Elgin Street. Travel north west along Elgin Street (addresses 2-62 only included) to the end of the street and then travel across country to Schofield Street (addresses 1-19 and 2-36 only included). Follow Schofield Street to Baildon Road. Move west along Baildon Road and then travel north along Dryden Street (addresses 1-39 and 2-60 only included) to Cockburn Street. Travel west along Cockburn Street (addresses 32-41 only included) and Hakanoa Street (addresses 1-55 only included) to Richmond Road. Travel north along Richmond Road (addresses 311-553 and 442-570 only, Sackville Street excluded) and then Kingsley Street (only 2 Kingsley Street included) to Livingstone Street (addresses 4-44, 3-31 only included). Travel north east along Livingstone Street to Regina Street (addresses 16-36 only included) then follow Regina Street (Webber Street addresses 1-33 and 4-30 only included) to the end of the street. At the end of Regina Street travel across country to the coastline (West End Road addresses 71-129, 68-120 only included) and follow the coastline to the North Western Motorway (SH16) (Great North Road excluded). Travel east along the North Western Motorway to Carrington Road and then south along Carrington Road back to the starting point.
Special Programmes - Rumaki
The school operates the following special programme: Waitītiko Rumaki Level 1 Full Immersion.
Students who live within the school’s home zone and meet the criteria for enrolment in the special programme will be enrolled ahead of out of zone students.
The criteria for acceptance into the programme are as follows:
First Priority
The level of proficiency in Te Reo Māori is consistent with the level of classroom i.e. full immersion – Level 1 which is assessed by the school. The proficiency of an applicant will be ranked on a scale of zero to five, zero being an applicant with no Te Reo and 5 being an applicant that has a high level of proficiency
Second Priority
Applicants who are siblings of current students
Third Priority
Students who have received at least 2 years of Māori Medium Education at Westmere School, Richmond Road, Freemans Bay and Newton Central as part of the Te Kāhui Ako o Waitemata
Fourth Priority
Any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the school or a child of a member of the board of trustees
Fifth Priority
Students who have received Māori immersion education at other schools than at the previously mentioned school
Out Of Zone Enrolments
Each year the board will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school. The notice will indicate how applications are to be made and will specify a date by which all applications must be received.
Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority:
First Priority
will be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in the following special programme(s) run by the school and approved by the Secretary for Education.
Second Priority
will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
Third Priority
will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
Fourth Priority
will be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
Fifth Priority
will be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
Sixth Priority
will be given to all other applicants.
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group must be by ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.