Key Information
School Hours
School Starts: 8.45am (Monday – Thursday) and 9am (Friday)
Interval: 10:05am – 10:25am (Please note that school starts at 9.00am on a Friday)
Lunch: 11:35am – 11:55am
Recreation: 1:05pm – 1:45pm
Students are asked not to arrive before 8:00am and unless involved in an official school activity with a teacher, are asked to leave the grounds by 3:20pm
School closes at 2:00pm on the last day of term and 12:00pm on the last day of the year.
Parents must notify the school office before 8.45am by telephone 09 846-2169, text 0274688003, via the Hero app, or email on An explanation for the absence must be included.
Students should be in their class before 8.45am so that they are ready for learning and don’t miss important notices. If a student is late to school they must report to the office and sign in. Students will need to have a legitimate reason for being late. Ongoing lateness will be monitored by the Senior Leadership Team.
Incorrect Uniform
If, for any reason, students need to wear the incorrect uniform they must bring a note from their parents/caregivers and get a uniform pass from the Deputy Principal – Mary Pretorius, or Associate Principal – Christine Abercrombie.
Lost Property
Please ensure that all uniform items are labelled clearly with your child’s name. All lost property can be found at our school office.
Students receive 30 minutes of homework per night. This can be completed over the week. Teachers will explain the procedures in detail at the start of the year. More information can be found here.
Bikes and Scooters
Students who ride their bikes and scooters to school can lock them in the bike racks behind the school office. Please make sure they are locked at all times.
School Lunches
Lunches can be ordered using the website or from the school website before 9am.
School Office Hours
The School Office is open from 8.00am – 4.00pm. Uniform and stationery can be purchased during these times. The office is closed during term holidays.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is very important to us. In the first instance, contact your child’s classroom teacher. Our Counsellor Rebecca Braggins, is available on Wednesdays and Thursdays, she can be contacted at
Following this contact our Deputy Principal, Mary Pretorius via email, or Associate Principal, Christine Abercrombie at or phone the office on 098462169.
Request for Leave
Class time learning is our priority and school holidays in most cases provide ample time for a break away from school. Students’ request for leave from Pasadena for three or more days must be made in writing (via the Leave Application form available here) to the Principal at least 2 weeks in advance of the intended leave. Students who are granted leave are expected to make up the work that they have missed out on.
Uniform & Stationery Supplies
School uniforms can be purchased from our online shop, which can be accessed from our school website or at Uniforms can be tried on for sizing in the School Hall from Tuesday 23 January to Friday 26 January, and Tuesday 30 January from 9.00 am – 1.00 pm. From Wednesday 31 January normal school hours apply, and they will be available to try on at the office. Stationery boxes are also available from the School Hall before school starts, or from the Office once school starts.