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Welcome to our job vacancies

Deputy Principal position

Are you a dynamic, passionate leader who wants to work in a fun team environment? 

We seek a highly effective, knowledgeable, innovative leader to join our collaborative Senior Leadership Team as Deputy Principal. Applicants must have strong communication and leadership skills, be future-focused, have the ability to build positive relationships across all areas of the school.

Responsibilities will include the SENCO role, coaching and mentoring teachers, further developing our curriculum, and working with the school community to raise student achievement. High-quality professional development and a positive, fun team culture are provided, as well as a strong focus on student and staff well-being.

The position commences Monday 5th August or a by a negotiated date. Applications close Wednesday 22nd May at 3pm. Visits are encouraged. A school application form must accompany your CV available from the school website or by calling the school office on 09 846 2169. 

Please email your application to Jonathan Hughes, the Principal, Pasadena Intermediate School,