PB4L & Our Pasadena Values
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) initiatives help parents, whānau, teachers and schools address problem behaviour, improve children’s well-being, and increase educational achievement. By strengthening relationships and creating more positive home and school environments we remove barriers to engagement and improve students’ chances to achieve at school and beyond.
Purpose statement
The purpose of PB4L-School Wide in Pasadena Intermediate is to create a safe and supportive environment which nurtures students allowing them to achieve personal excellence.
PB4L at Pasadena
At Pasadena, we have 4 Values (PASA Values) that are embedded in everything we do. These are:
Proud – We are proud, and show respect for ourselves, each other and our school
Active – We are active in our learning and our communities
Safe – We are safe in what we do and the choices we make
Achievers – We are achievers who aim high and work towards our goals
Examples of displaying each Value
- Showing pride in c:lasswork
- Taking pride in our school during Central Zone sports
- Taking pride in our culture
- Picking up rubbish, lost property
- Making someone else feel proud – giving positive feedback
- Taking care of sports equipment/classroom equipment
- Taking part in sports/extra-curricular activities
- Actively participating in activities
- Contributing to discussions
- Showing kindness
- Including others
- Being helpful to others
- Displaying responsibility
- Make sensible decisions
- Reporting problems
- Supporting others in difficult situations – mental and physical
- Sportsmanship at Central Zone Sports Days
- Turning up to places when you are supposed to
- Letting staff know where you are
- Achieving or improving in any area of school life
- Putting in extra effort
- Completing tasks within timeframes
- Improving academic results
- Helping others achieve
- Owning behaviour and choices made
- Facing challenges/trying something new
- Using initiative to solve problems
- Showing resilience
Tokens are given out when students have displayed a PASA value in the classroom or out in the playground. Each coloured token relates a value: Proud Active Safe Achievers
When a student receives a token, they will put it into their class token jar. Once this jar is full, their class will receive a class reward during one class block. Students help choose this reward.
Once a class jar has been filled, it will be emptied into the PASA token jars in the office. When these jars have been filled twice, there will be a whole school reward. This will be communicated to students and whānau when reached.
Honours is a system at Pasadena which recognises individual students’ contributions to the school, considering all of our PASA Values. Achieving an Honours is a huge accomplishment and defines that the student is a Proud, Active, Safe, Achiever; and a well-rounded student.
To show this, students will need to collect the following:
- 3 Proud Award Certificates
- 3 Active Award Certificates
- 3 Safe Award Certificates
- 3 Achiever Award Certificates
- 3 Extra Award Certificates which can be from any Pasadena Value, Sports, etc
A Principal Certificate can be used for any area above
Once the student has all the required certificates, they take their certificates to the Principal who will give them an application form. The student gets the form signed by their class teacher, a specialist teacher, and their team leader. After this, an interview is conducted with the Principal which requires the student to discuss how they have shown each PASA value over their time at Pasadena. Honours students are recognised at an assembly and a badge is presented which is worn with pride on their school uniform. Office staff will contact parents/caregivers and will invite them to attend the assembly.