Welcome to Pasadena Intermediate School
“The school provides international students with a high standard of education. Students experience an inclusive school culture and opportunities to participate in a well-rounded school curriculum ”Education Review Office December 2017 – quality assurance statement. Please click here for the full report
Please click here to download our
International Students Prospectus
Thank you for your interest in Pasadena Intermediate School. We are a multicultural school and welcome international enrolments. The school has a long experience of successfully catering for International Students from many countries. Pasadena Intermediate School is a community school and has a reputation for being innovative and a leader.
Our Prospectus and School Website will provide you with all the relevant information and will guide you through the enrolment process. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us directly and if you are travelling to New Zealand, please make an appointment to arrange a personal visit and see our school in action, you will be more than welcome.
Details about Immigration Requirements, Entrance Assessment and Offer of Placement can be found on the Enrolment Procedure Page.
Intermediate schools are unique and provide an education specifically designed for the vulnerable pre adolescent age group. The Pasadena Intermediate School calendar offers all students an extensive range of appropriate, challenging and success orientated learning and life experiences.
In the two years your children are with us, we intend they will enjoy their school days and will receive every opportunity to learn, to grow and to develop.
As the cornerstone of our programmes, we make pastoral care a priority and this quality of the school environment has been acknowledged in successive ERO Reviews.
Every student can expect to be catered for according to his/her needs, interests and talents and given every opportunity to achieve to the best of his/her ability. We are supportive and positive in our approach with students but we do expect them to do their best and to make the most of the opportunities offered.
Academic achievement is a school priority. The school intends that graduates should have mastered the fundamental skills of accurate and deep reading, of writing and speaking with clarity and coherence; can use the tools of mathematical and logical reasoning to solve practical problems; be skilled researchers, highly competent with information and communications technologies and readily be able to embrace new areas of knowledge.
The school programmes increasingly emphasise an holistic approach, so students learn to appreciate the unity of knowledge and interdependence. Our curriculum is delivered through transdisciplinary authentic learning tasks.
The use of a wide range of age and developmental appropriate activities as the platform for delivery of numeracy, literacy, science, the humanities, technology, 21st Century Competencies and the essential skills is a recognized strength of the school.
The school organization combines the best of homeroom teaching and the use of specialist teachers and facilities to prepare each student for the challenges of today, of secondary school and beyond.
Jonathan Hughes